Commission on Ministry

The Commission on Ministry [COM] nurtures congregations for vitality & clergy to thrive in their ministry through resources and relationships by supporting congregations through pastoral transitions, responding to congregations experiencing acute, chronic or expected challenges, and caring for clergy entering, in the midst of and departing pastoral ministry.

To do this, COM has established three teams composed of members of COM and other presbyters who support the work of COM.  

Churches in Transition Team supports congregations through pastoral transitions.


  1. Equip sessions for pastoral transition

  2. Oversee bridge and transitional pastors 

  3. Train and support Pastor Nominating Committees (PNC) 

  4. Help arrange neutral pulpits

  5. Conduct clearance interviews 

  6. Support the creation of pastoral terms of call 

  7. Maintain pulpit supply list and recommended honorarium.

Clergy Care Team supports clergy entering, in the midst of and retiring from ministry


  1. Welcome new clergy 

  2. Connect pastors with direction, coaching and counseling opportunities 

  3. Encourage clergy to develop and sharpen skills for ministry

  4. Conduct six- and twelve-month check-ins through assigned Liaison 

  5. Connect clergy to groups for learning, support and fellowship 

  6. Help form and resource supportive cohorts such as the Early Career Pastors Group

  7. Support and resource retiring & retired clergy

Clergy Covenants & Training team this team oversees:

  1. implement the Clergy Covenant for 2024,

  2. consider clergy requests to serve in validated ministries, and

  3. recommend resources for clergy and session Boundary Training.

COM as a Whole nurtures vital congregations & thriving clergy by providing resources and relationship

  1. Appoint AC’s for purpose of ordaining or installing Teaching Elders, discerning a congregation’s future viabiliy, closing a church, or dismissing a church.

  2. Recommend formation of Administrative Commissions to Presbytery for other purposes

  3. Approve and renew validated ministries

  4. If requested or necessary, recommend the release from ministry of teaching elders

  5. Approve teaching elders to labor within or outside the bounds of Presbytery

  6. Recommend to Presbytery the designation of ruling elders to commissioned particular pastoral services. (G-2.1001)

  7. Dissolve pastoral relationships in case of unresolvable conflict (G-2.0900)

  8. Consider requests of teaching elders to administer the Sacraments at times and places within the Presbytery, and making such recommendations to the Presbytery. (G-3.0306)

  9. Approve specific calls and terms of call for pastoral leadership positions.

  10. Establish minimum effective salary.

COM Members Faithfully attend COM meetings, participate in one of the COM teams, and serve as a supportive liaison to 3-4 congregations by praying for them, meeting with the session at least once a year, meeting with the pastor(s) at least once a year, and staying informed, offering resources, and building a relationship of trust. 

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Helping pastors and congregations relate and lead effectively