Closing Worship Service ~ Mineral PC
📅 Join Us for a Special Closing Worship Service ✝️
We invite you to be part of the closing worship service of Mineral PC on Sunday, April 13th at 3:00 PM. This meaningful service will coincide with Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week, and promises to be a time of deep reflection and celebration.
💬 RSVP: Please let us know if you'll be attending by contacting Nivia at admin@olypres.org. We understand this is a busy time in the church calendar, so if you're unable to join us in person, we completely understand.
Thank you for your understanding and flexibility as we celebrate this significant moment in the life of our church. 🌿

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

April 26th Stated Meeting
Our next meeting of Olympia Presbytery will take place at First Presbyterian Church in Aberdeen
📅 Date: Saturday April 26th
📍 Location: 420 N. Broadway St. Aberdeen
✨ Together we will consider the updates from COM, CPM, Leadership Council, the Trustees and more. You don’t want to miss this opportunity for fellowship, discussion, and learning.
🔜 Registration details & link coming soon! Stay tuned for more information.
Make sure to mark your calendars and make plans to ride share to Aberdeen. Looking for carpool opportunities? Contact Nivia admin@olypres.org

Not Your Average Boundary Training
Boundary Training Compliance for Minister Members
The Commission on Ministry reminds all Teaching Elders that boundary training is required every three years for all Olympia Presbytery minister members. It is the responsibility of minister members to track and report their compliance to the Stated Clerk.

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

November 6th Stated Meeting
Our next meeting of Olympia Presbytery will take place at Harrison Square
📅 Date: November 6th
📍 Location:
✨ Together we will consider the updates from COM, CPM, Leadership Council, the Trustees and more. You don’t want to miss this opportunity for fellowship, discussion, and learning.
🔜 Registration details & link coming soon! Stay tuned for more information.
Make sure to mark your calendars and make plans to ride share to Aberdeen. Looking for carpool opportunities? Contact Nivia admin@olypres.org

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

Presbyterian Advocacy Hour
Join the monthly online gatherings each fourth Wednesday of the month - hosted by the Presbyterian Church (USA)!

Stated Meeting Feb 13th
📢 Call for registration for the 1st Stated Meeting of
Olympia Presbytery in 2025! 📢
Thursday February 13th from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Bethany Presbyterian Church, in North Tacoma
4420 N. 41st St. Tacoma, WA 98407

Trinity Hosting Dr. Salim Munayer
Dr. Salim Munayer is the founder of Musalaha, a faith-based organization that has been bringing together Palestinians and Israelis for 30+ years in the hope and hard work of reconciliation. Dr. Munayer will speak to "Reflections on Reconciliation in Contexts of Conflict" - followed by Q&A and prayer. This is an incredible opportunity. Please RSVP to admin@tpctacoma.org.

Cultivator Dinner
Cultivator Dinner – January Gathering
Join us for an evening of fellowship, inspiration, and connection at our next Cultivator Dinner!
Date: Tuesday, January 28th
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: The Juice Box, Centralia
📍 The Juice Box
This is a great opportunity to meet fellow leaders, share ideas, and cultivate meaningful relationships as we continue to grow together in ministry.
RSVP: Please confirm your attendance by January 23rd by emailing Taeler Morgan at cultivator@olypres.org or texting 253-820-5210.
We look forward to seeing you there!

GA Amendments Virtual Discussion
Virtual Gatherings to discuss two items of business
One event, two topics, an afternoon or an evening option.
1. Join Shari and our GA team for a discussion about the proposed amendments to the Book of Order on the docket.
2. Join Pam Anderson and Salish Sea View board members to discuss issues of concern related to the Proposal adopted by Presbytery in 2023.
These gatherings are an important opportunity to learn, listen, ask questions, and share your thoughts.
RegisterHERE to participate or request a video recording.
To review all proposed amendments download the 58 page PDFHERE
To review a single page summaryHERE
Salish Sea View handoutHERE
We look forward to seeing you on January 27 at 4:20 PM or 28th at 7PM.

Clerks of Session Hybrid Meeting
Answer end-of-year reporting questions and general items of interest to clerks of session.

PCUSA Town Hall on Protecting Immigrant Rights Near and Far
Migration Accompaniment Ministries Office of Public Witness Office of Immigration Issues Invites You To: NOW WHAT? A PCUSA Town Hall On Protecting Immigrant & Refuge Rights Near & Far.
Hosted by Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Immigration Issues and OPW to prepare for new U.S. policies and actions against immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
Zoom Register HERE for link

Cultivator Dinner
Cultivate Dinners are an invitation to meet together with other Olympia Presbytery folks who are in the beginning stages of imagining new experiments in being the Church together. Starting new things is always a challenge, but it is so much more enjoyable when you have a group of folks to journey alongside, bounce ideas off of, share resources and encouragement with, and learn together. Dinner is provided but spots are limited, so sign up asap to secure your spot!

Stated Meeting - October 2024
Join us on Tuesday, October 29th, for our third Stated Meeting of 2024. We will meet at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Tacoma.

Regional Gathering Longview/Kelso
Join us at Longview Presbyterian Church. Workshop topics include: Engaging and Equipping Lay Leaders - Ideas for making ministry more accessible, efficient, and meaningful for congregants within the committee model. Tradition and Change - Ways to lead change while embracing the best parts of tradition. Finding Volunteers. Nurturing the spirit of leaders for service.
If you would like to join online via Zoom please let us know. The link is listed under Worship on the website. www.longviewpres.org
To learn more click HERE .
Box lunches provided.

Regional Gathering Tacoma/Puyallup
Join us at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Tacoma for an early evening gathering for learning and fellowship. This event is devoted to equipping session leaders, moderators, clerks and elders with resources to lead today's church with wisdom, focus, and effectiveness. The agenda will be shaped by you, the participants who are engaged in church leadership. Leaders from varied backgrounds will be on hand to offer insights and to spur conversation. If you’re in the area, you don’t want to miss this opportunity for community building.
Light refreshments will be served.
Share your questions, wonderings, curiosities when you register.

Online Gathering
An online opportunity will be co-hosted with the Board of Pensions for church leaders to learn about resources related to clergy retirement
Click HERE to register.

Stated Meeting - June 2024
Join us on Saturday, June 1st, for our second Stated Meeting of 2024. We will meet at First Presbyterian Church of Puyallup, co-hosted by Church of the Indian Fellowship.
Meeting from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Not-Your-Average Boundaries Training
Dates and Times (MUST ATTEND BOTH):
*Wednesday, May 15th, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm (PST)/3:00 pm - 6:00 pm (CST)
*Thursday, May 16th, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm (PST)/3:00 pm - 6:00 pm (CST)
LeaderWise’s online boundaries training workshop is lively and interactive, full of reflection and conversation. Attendees have given us feedback that our boundaries training was a great experience, AND caused them to re-evaluate some of their own practices.
This live online boundaries training is 6 total hours split over 2 consecutive days (3 hours each day). Following the first session, participants are asked to engage in a bit of reflection work in preparation for the second session. This online boundaries training will be conducted via secure Zoom video conferencing.
Online via Zoom
Cost: $89.00

Heart Pilgrimage
All are invited to the one-day retreat and workshop led by Rev. Michelle de Beauchamp called, “Heart Pilgrimage”, which is based on the studies she did during her sabbatical in Fall 2023.

Staff on the Road: trip to the coast
Presbytery staff are hitting the road to connect with leaders in the Westport/Hoquiam/Pacific Beach/Aberdeen area on February 29th and March 1st.

Blues Vespers event and benefit for Bryant Neighborhood Center
A special Christmas Blues Vespers supporting Bryant Neighborhood Center, an outreach of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Tacoma. Event includes a Blues concert with the Stacy Jones Band, poetry, and something to think about hosted by Rev. Dave Brown.

Worship for Weary Souls
"Worship for Weary Souls" which is a "Longest Night" or "Blue Christmas"-esque service.
The holidays are a season of “joy, joy, joy” but for many of us, it’s also a time of loneliness a grief. A “Blue Christmas” or “Longest Night” service is a worship service for people in need of space to bring their grief and sadness to God in the midst of a season that seems to require us to pretend that grief doesn’t exist. If you or someone you know is grieving this holiday season, please join us at Lakewood Presbyterian Church for this contemplative, interactive, worship service.

Jewish and Christian Voices for Peace webinar
Join Presbyterian World Mission, the Office of the Public Witness PCUSA, and the Ministry at the United Nations for this webinar.

Presbytery Staff "On the Road"
The staff of the Olympia Presbytery will be available from 11 am - 2 pm on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023, at Ebony & Ivory Coffee Shop located in The Hub at Lacey.

Installation of Rachel and Josh Young
Join the presbytery in the celebration of Revs. Josh and Rachel Young’s installation at Lacey Presbyterian Church Nov. 26.

Stated Presbytery Meeting
Stated Presbytery Meeting is set for 1 pm on Saturday, Nov. 11.

Verge 2023: Unsettling Truths
The Northwest Coast Presbytery invites the Olympia Presbytery to join them for an online event examining the legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery.

Installation of Rev. Laura Nile Tuell
Join with Lakewood Presbyterian Church as they celebrate the installation of Rev. Laura Nile Tuell as pastor. A reception will follow the installation service.

Information about Gaza/Israel Conflict
Gather Tacoma, meeting at Fircrest Presbyterian, invites you to an information session on the Gaza/Israel conflict Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023.

Holy Conversation
Seattle Presbytery invites all to an examination of the history of the Whitman mission.

The Bible and Abolition
Interested in or curious about this work, or what the Bible has to say about abolition? Come to the online event with Dr. Chris Burton on October 12.