Earth Care Congregations are congregations that have committed to the “Earth Care Pledge” and accomplished a specific number of actions toward
caring for God’s earth in four categories: worship, education, facilities, and outreach. Congregations earning 25 points in each of the four categories
will be certified as Earth Care Congregations and receive various honors.
2022 Earthcare Congregations in Olympia Presbytery
Chapel by the Sea
First year congregations become certified by committing to the Earth Care Pledge and tracking its commitments to earth care in the areas of
worship, education, facilities, and outreach. The Earth Care Congregation First Year Application can be submitted between January 1—February 15.
Congregations must re-certified every year. To become re-certified as an Earth Care Congregation, a church tracks its continued commitments to earth care.
Progress in each of the areas should be marked since the time of the last certification. The Earth Care Congregation Recertification Application
can be submitted between January 1—February 15.
More questions?
Please feel free to reach out to:
Jeanie Shaw – Mission Engagement Advisor, West