About Leadership Council

Stewarding the mission and vision of the Olympia Presbytery


A. The Leadership Council shall function in accordance with the duties assigned by the  presbytery, and meet at least nine times per year.  

B. The Leadership Council shall consist of three ruling elders, three teaching elders, the  Moderator, and the Vice-Moderator. Leadership Council members shall be nominated  by the Nominating Team with due respect for the diversity of our Presbytery and shall  be elected by the Presbytery, for three year staggered terms with a maximum of two  consecutive terms.  The Leadership Council will be moderated by the Moderator of the Presbytery. The Executive Presbyter, along with the Stated Clerk and Treasurer, shall serve ex-officio without vote. 

C. The duties and powers of the Leadership Council shall be: 

1. To pray for the ministry of Presbytery.  

2. To consider the future and envision and recommend needed changes or action. 

3. To nominate the Nominating Team.  

4. To establish current priorities in programs and personnel.   

5. To review the progress of teams and task forces toward the stated priorities and  to provide assistance in accomplishing those priorities.  

6. To lead new church development and redevelopment.  

7. To implement Mission and Vision Design Team recommendations.  

8. To create space for organic teams and groups to form.  

9. To facilitate faithful stewardship. 

D. To accomplish these duties, the Leadership Council shall: 

1. Supervise on an ongoing basis: 

a. Worship at presbytery meetings;  

b. Evangelism and strategy for new church development;  

c. Social ministries;  

d. Emerging issues in mission; 

e. Larger denominational and ecumenical issues and connections; 

f. Communication among ministry teams and with congregations; 

g. Promote stewardship, including programs for congregations;  

h. Consider amendments to the PC(USA) constitution, and overtures from  churches. 

i. Develop an annual Financial Plan for the presbytery. 

j. Consider requests for financial plan adjustments to meet emerging  needs. 

k. Assist the Treasurer in preparing official reports for Presbytery. 

l. Respond to delinquent per capita payments by congregations. 

m. Serve as a resource to the Treasurer for questions concerning the  disbursement of presbytery funds.  

n. Consider all relevant factors in the preparation of the financial plan,  with an emphasis on the following essential elements:  

1) Requests  for  funding  to  accomplish  the  mission  of  the  Presbytery. 

2) Written  requests  for  funding  from  administrative  units  with  clear explanation of the anticipated expenses, project needs and allocation of funds. 

3) Previous budget allocations to each unit 

4) Careful  estimates  of  income  for  the  budget  year  under  consideration. 

5) Anticipated needs not submitted by any administrative unit.  

o.   Sound View Camp Budget: The Leadership Council shall review and approve the Sound View budget annually in consultation with the Sound View Board of Directors  and present it to the presbytery along with the Presbytery financial  plan. 

p. Budget Adjustment Requests and Non-Budgeted Items: Requests for budget adjustments or additional funds during a budget  year must be made to the Stated Clerk or Treasurer in writing at least  one week prior to the Leadership Council meeting at which it is to be considered.  Requests should include a clear description of the need and  specific allocation of funds.  The Leadership Council will take into account these factors: 

1) Available  funds,  including  possible  salvage  from  administrative  units.

2) Relationship of the request to the other priorities of the Presbytery. 

3) The status of the current budget allocation of the administrative unit  making the request.  

q. Management of Presbytery monies:  

1) The Leadership Council shall implement and manage the investment  policy of the Presbytery and ensure appropriate funds management. 

2) The  Leadership  Council shall  provide  for  an  annual  audit  or  full  financial review of the financial records of the Treasurer. 

2. Form task forces or sub-committees to assist in any of these missions. 

3. Plan presbytery meetings. 

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